Theme: Innovations and Trends in Food Chemistry and Technology
Date: September 14-15, 2018
Conference Venue: Toronto, Canada
Friday, 29 June 2018
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Which Bacteria are Responsible for Food-borne Illness?
Which Bacteria are Responsible for Food-borne Illness?
Food-borne illness often shows itself as flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever, so many people may not recognize the illness is caused by bacteria or other pathogens on food.
Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment. Not all bacteria cause disease in humans. For example, some bacteria are used beneficially in making cheese and yogurt.
Bacteria that cause disease are called “pathogens.” When certain pathogens enter the food supply, they can cause food-borne illness. Only a few types cause millions of cases of food-borne illness each year. Ironically, most cases of food-borne illness can be prevented. Proper cooking or processing of food destroys bacteria. They can grow in just about any food, but are fond of protein foods, such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy products in particular, as well as high-protein vegetables such as beans and grains.
How bacteria get in food
1. Bacteria may be present on products when you purchase them. Raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs are not sterile. Neither is produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons.
2. Foods, including safely cooked, ready-to-eat foods, can become cross-contaminated with bacteria introduced on raw products, meat juices, or other contaminated products, or by poor personal hygiene.
The “danger zone”
Bacteria multiply rapidly between 40° and 140° F. To keep food out of this “danger zone,” keep cold food cold and hot food hot.
Store food in the refrigerator (40° F or below) or freezer (0° F or below).
Cook food to 160° F (145° F for roasts, steaks, and chops of beef, veal, and lamb).
Maintain hot cooked food at 140° F.
Reheat cooked food to 165° F.
Some bacteria cause more serious illness than others, but only a few are responsible for the majority of cases. Below is information regarding nine prominent bacteria
Campylobacter jejuni
Found: intestinal tracts of animals and birds, raw milk, untreated water, and sewage sludge.
Transmission: contaminated water, raw milk, and raw or under-cooked meat, poultry, or shellfish.
Symptoms: fever, headache, and muscle pain followed by diarrhea (sometimes bloody), abdominal pain and nausea that appear 2 to 5 days after eating; may last 7 to 10 days.
Clostridium botulinum
Found: widely distributed in nature: in soil and water, on plants, and in intestinal tracts of animals and fish. Grows only in little or no oxygen.
Transmission: bacteria produce a toxin that causes illness. Improperly canned foods, garlic in oil, and vacuum-packaged and tightly wrapped food.
Symptoms: toxin affects the nervous system. Symptoms usually appear within 18 to 36 hours, but can sometimes appear within as few as 4 hours or as many as 8 days after eating; double vision, droopy eyelids, trouble speaking and swallowing, and difficulty breathing. Fatal in 3 to 10 days if not treated.
Clostridium perfringens
Found: soil, dust, sewage, and intestinal tracts of animals and humans. Grows only in little or no oxygen.
Transmission: called “the cafeteria germ” because many outbreaks result from food left for long periods in steam tables or at room temperature. Bacteria destroyed by cooking, but some toxin-producing spores may survive.
Symptoms: diarrhea and gas pains may appear 8 to 24 hours after eating; usually last about 1 day, but less severe symptoms may persist for 1 to 2 weeks.
Escherichia coli O157:H7
Found: intestinal tracts of some mammals, raw milk, unchlorinated water; one of several strains of E. coli that can cause human illness.
Transmission: contaminated water, raw milk, raw or rare ground beef, unpasteurized apple juice or cider, uncooked fruits and vegetables; person-to-person.
Symptoms: diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and malaise; can begin 2 to 5 days after food is eaten, lasting about 8 days. Some, especially the very young, have developed Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) that causes acute kidney failure. A similar illness, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), may occur in older adults.
Salmonella (over 1600 types)
Found: intestinal tract and feces of animals; Salmonella enteritidis in raw eggs.
Transmission: raw or undercooked eggs, poultry, and meat; raw milk and dairy products; seafood.
Symptoms: stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, chills, fever, and headache usually appear 6 to 48 hours after eating; may last 1 to 2 days.
Streptococcus A
Found: noses, throats, pus, sputum, blood, and stools of humans.
Transmission: people-to-food from poor hygiene, ill food handlers, or improper food handling; outbreaks from raw milk, ice cream, eggs, lobster, salads, custard, and pudding allowed to stand at room temperature for several hours between preparation and eating.
Symptoms: sore throat, painful swallowing, tonsillitis, high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, malaise; occurs 1 to 3 days after eating, lasting a few days to about a week.
Listeria monocytogenes
Found: intestinal tracts of humans and animals, milk, soil, leaf vegetables, and processed foods; can grow slowly at refrigerator temperatures.
Transmission: soft cheese, raw milk, improperly processed ice cream, raw leafy vegetables, meat, and poultry. Illness caused by bacteria that do not produce toxin.
Symptoms: fever, chills, headache, backache, sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea; 12 hours to 3 weeks after ingestion; may later develop more serious illness (meningitis or spontaneous abortion in pregnant women); sometimes just fatigue.
Shigella (over 30 types)
Found: human intestinal tract; rarely found in other animals.
Transmission: person-to-person by fecal-oral route; fecal contamination of food and water. Most outbreaks result from food, especially salads, prepared and handled by workers using poor personal hygiene.
Symptoms: disease referred to as “shigellosis” or bacillary dysentery. Diarrhea containing blood and mucus, fever, abdominal cramps, chills, vomiting; 12 to 50 hours from ingestion of bacteria; can last a few days to 2 weeks. Sometimes, no symptoms seen.
Staphylococcus aureus
Found: on humans (skin, infected cuts, pimples, noses, and throats).
Transmission: people-to-food through improper handling. Multiply rapidly at room temperature to produce a toxin that causes illness.
Symptoms: severe nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea occur 1 to 6 hours after eating; recovery within 2 to 3 days—longer if severe dehydration occurs.
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Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Cure your disease by your foods
Health benefits of foods
1. Promotes Oral Health
This mighty fruit is known to maintain oral health. Thanks to malic acid that keeps your teeth white and shiny. It is widely used by companies to prepare commercial whitening toothpaste. It is worth mentioning that chewing apple stimulates saliva production that keeps risks of tooth decay at bay.
2. It Maintains Cardiovascular Health
Apples are loaded with pectin, which is a soluble fiber that is known to reduce cholesterol in the blood vessel walls. This process also lowers the risk of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the soluble fiber tie-up with the fats presents in the intestine so that cholesterol won’t rise in your body. Many studies have proved that people who consume apples regularly are less prone to stroke as compared to those who don’t. This sweet and sour fruit also contains lots of potassium that is known to control high blood pressure preventing you from the risk of heart attack.
3. A Healthy Snack for Diabetics
Apples are considered as one of the healthiest snacks you should indulge in. It is safe for people suffering with Type-2 diabetes, and they can eat it every day without any worry in the world. According to a recent study, munching an apple for breakfast reduces the chance of Type-2 diabetes by 29%. This mouthwatering fruit can also stop certain enzymes from turning into starch instead they transform into a simple sugar that your body requires to produce energy. Moreover, apples are a great way to control insulin as the components found in them are known to release sugar into the bloodstream steadily. The decent quantity of soluble fibers in the fruit also controls blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
4. It Improves Respiratory Health
You can improve your lung health by consuming apples in any form. Thanks to the components found in the fruit that are known to prevent you from several respiratory problems including, bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.
5. It Fights Cancerous Cells
Being enriched with anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative qualities and flavonoids, apples have the potential to lower the chance of pancreatic cancer. According to experts regular consumption of apples can also prevent your body from mammary tumors. The oligosaccharides found in apple are said to kill colon cancer cells.
6. Apple Prevents Osteoporosis
This amazing fruit has plenty of phloridzin (a flavonoid), which shields women against osteoporosis. Compound boron found in the apples is also worked to strengthen bones preventing women from further bone problems.
7. It keeps Your Gut Healthy
Experts emphasized on consuming at least one apple daily because being rich in dietary fiber, it is extremely beneficial for intestinal disorders including diverticulitis, stomach cancer, and hemorrhoids. Many studies have proved it as a simple yet effective way to treat diarrhea and constipation. Thanks to the high levels of dietary fiber as they relieve constipation and in case of diarrhea, remove excess water naturally. Moreover, it also performs as a cleanser and detoxifier that flushes out toxic metals including mercury and lead from your body. It is worth mentioning that eating apple regularly also reduces Bacteroides and Clostridiales found in your large intestine.
8. It Maintains Neurological Health
Being enriched with an antioxidant Quercetin, apples can help lower the risk of cellular death, which is usually the result of the oxidization of neurons. Consuming apples is also said to reduce the chance of dementia. You will be surprised to learn that being packed with the high levels of antioxidants and fiber, this mighty fruit can protect you from Parkinson’s disease as well. According to experts, incorporating apples in your daily in the form of juice will increase the production of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter), which results in enhanced memory power.
9. Boost Your Energy Levels
Apples are a great source to get super energized. This is why; experts suggest munching an apple before your workout session. Quercetin and antioxidants ensure your body gets a proper supply of oxygen through enhanced blood circulation. This is ideal for people who indulge in workout sessions and exercise regimes.
10. It Enhances Skin Conditions
You can get rid of old dead dermal cells by eating an apple every day. It is also known to rejuvenate skin cells, boosting collagen production, keeping your skin nice and hydrated. Drinking a glass of fresh apple juice keeps your skin free from all sorts of inflammations, irritations and similar skin problems.
11. It Prevents Premature Aging
Being enriched with vitamins, apple boosts collagen production preventing premature aging and wrinkles. Thanks to vitamin A found in the fruit, which is responsible to keep skin wrinkles and sagging at bay
13. Apples Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids happen when your anal canal veins swell. This condition can be extremely painful causing pressure in your pelvic and rectal region. Consuming fiber is the simplest way to deal with swollen anal veins, and being loaded with dietary fiber, apples are the perfect solution.
14. It Works as a Detoxifier
Maintaining liver health is essential as it is responsible to remove toxins from your body. You can opt for detox diets, but they aren’t a healthy option. Therefore, in this case, consuming apple juice can become a healthy alternative.
15. It Prevents Cataracts
Many studies have concluded that consuming a diet enriched with antioxidants can prevent cataracts. Consuming apples can help you here as it is said to reduce the development of cataracts.
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Why Food Safety is Important?
Foodborne illnesses are a preventable and underreported public health problem. These illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. They also present a major challenge to certain groups of people. Although anyone can get a foodborne illness, some people are at greater risk.
For example:
Children younger than age 4 have the highest incidence of laboratory-confirmed infections from some foodborne pathogens, including Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157, Shigella, and Yersinia.
People older than age 50 and those with reduced immunity are at greater risk for hospitalizations and death from intestinal pathogens commonly transmitted through foods.
Children younger than age 4 have the highest incidence of laboratory-confirmed infections from some foodborne pathogens, including Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157, Shigella, and Yersinia.
People older than age 50 and those with reduced immunity are at greater risk for hospitalizations and death from intestinal pathogens commonly transmitted through foods.
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Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Monday, 25 June 2018
Why Dairy product is important to our health???
Nutrients and health benefits
Consuming dairy products provides health benefits – especially improved bone health. Foods in the Dairy Group provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body. These nutrients include calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein.
Calcium is used for building bones and teeth and in maintaining bone mass. Dairy products are the primary source of calcium in American diets. Diets that provide 3 cups or the equivalent of dairy products per day can improve bone mass.
Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dairy products, especially yogurt, fluid milk, and soymilk (soy beverage), provide potassium.
Vitamin D functions in the body to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorous, thereby helping to build and maintain bones. Milk and soymilk (soy beverage) that are fortified with vitamin D are good sources of this nutrient. Other sources include vitamin D-fortified yogurt and vitamin D-fortified ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.
Milk products that are consumed in their low-fat or fat-free forms provide little or no solid fat.
Health benefits
Intake of dairy products is linked to improved bone health, and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
The intake of dairy products is especially important to bone health during childhood and adolescence, when bone mass is being built.
Intake of dairy products is also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and with lower blood pressure in adults.
Why is it important to make fat-free or low-fat choices from the Dairy Group?
Choosing foods from the Dairy Group that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol can have health implications. Diets high in saturated fats raise "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood. The "bad" cholesterol is called LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol, in turn, increases the risk for coronary heart disease. Many cheeses, whole milk, and products made from them are high in saturated fat. To help keep blood cholesterol levels healthy, limit the amount of these foods you eat. In addition, a high intake of fats makes it difficult to avoid consuming more calories than are needed.
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Thursday, 21 June 2018
Book you slots to be a Speaker - Food Chemistry 2018
Food chemistry 2018 @Toronto, Canada , September 14-15, 2018
#Book your #slots to be a #speaker !!!!
#Food Chemistry, #Food Technology, #Dairy Technology, #Food Additives.....
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#Book your #slots to be a #speaker !!!!
#Food Chemistry, #Food Technology, #Dairy Technology, #Food Additives.....
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Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Food Drug Interaction
A drug interaction is refers to the substance which affects the activity of a drug, i.e. the effects are increased or decreased, or they produce a new effect that neither produces by their own. These interactions occurs when your food and medicine interfere with one another. Interactions between food and drugs may unintentionally reduce or increase the drug effect.
Track 21-1 Food that interacts with drug
Track 21-2 uses of drug related to diseases
Track 21-3 effect of drugs to the body according to their amount
Track 21-4 Food and drug metabolism
Track 21-5 Food and Drug administration
Track 21-6 Effect of food on drug
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Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Food Chemistry 2018
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 @ #Toronto, Canada
#Grab the #opportunity to explore the world of #food chemistry
#Food Chemistry, #Technology in Food, #Food Additives.....
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Monday, 18 June 2018
Food Chemistry 2018
Cluster together at Toronto, Canada on September 14-15, 2018 to gain the knowledge from global experts in the field of food chemistry.
Theme : New innovative technology in Food chemistry.
To know more about food chemistry:
Friday, 15 June 2018
Health and Nutrition
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 @ #Toronto, Canada
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Food Waste
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 @ #Toronto, Canada
Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry. .
.Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur at the stages of producing, processing, retailing and consuming.
To know more about food waste:
Thursday, 14 June 2018
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 @ #Toronto, Canada
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Food Addiction
What Is Food Addiction?
Food addiction is, quite simply, being addicted to junk food in the same way as drug addicts are addicted to drugs.
It involves the same areas in the brain, the same neurotransmitters and many of the symptoms are identical
Food addiction is a relatively new (and controversial) term and there are no good statistics available on how common it is.
This is very similar to several other eating disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia, compulsive overeating and having an "unhealthy" relationship with food.
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Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Green tea health benefits
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 @ #Toronto, Canada.
#Tea time is a chance to slow #down, pull back and #appreciate our surroundings.
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Food Analysis and Quality control
Food Analysis and Quality control
In food industry different properties are analyzed like water, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, Rheology, flavour, texture etc. Food analysis is important because customer requires the food and nutritional information about the final ready to eat the food products. Quality is defined as the characteristics or properties that describe the food products. Quality control of food product is important to develop the new product or improve the existing products, profit etc. The major aim of quality control is to be preventing the defects not to detecting the defects. It also used in preventing and treatment of hazards that produced during the food processing.
Track 15-1 Food and food related product analysis by different methods
Track 15-2 Food and food related product analysis by different methods
Track 15-3 Food Grading
Track 15-4 Nutritional Value
Track 15-5 Analytical Techniques In Food Analysis
Track 15-6 Physical, Chemical and Biological Hazards and Treatment
Track 15-7 Need for Food Analysis
In food industry different properties are analyzed like water, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, Rheology, flavour, texture etc. Food analysis is important because customer requires the food and nutritional information about the final ready to eat the food products. Quality is defined as the characteristics or properties that describe the food products. Quality control of food product is important to develop the new product or improve the existing products, profit etc. The major aim of quality control is to be preventing the defects not to detecting the defects. It also used in preventing and treatment of hazards that produced during the food processing.
Track 15-1 Food and food related product analysis by different methods
Track 15-2 Food and food related product analysis by different methods
Track 15-3 Food Grading
Track 15-4 Nutritional Value
Track 15-5 Analytical Techniques In Food Analysis
Track 15-6 Physical, Chemical and Biological Hazards and Treatment
Track 15-7 Need for Food Analysis
To know more: your abstract
#Submit your #proposal and #grab the opportunity to share your #knowledge.
#Meet the #global #experts.
Food Chemistry 2018 on September 14-15,2018 @Toronto, Canada
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Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Food Fermentation
What Is Fermentation?
What is fermentation? It’s the process of using microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, to convert carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids under anaerobic conditions.
There are two types of fermentation: alcoholic and lactic acid. Alcoholic fermentation, or ethanol fermentation, is where pyruvate (from glucose metabolism) is broken down into carbon dioxide and ethanol by bacteria and yeast. Alcohol fermentation has been used to produce beer, bread and wine.
Pyruvate molecules from glucose glycolysis may be further fermented into lactic acid. Lactic acid fermentation converts lactose into lactic acid.
There are several benefits to fermenting food. First, fermentation serves to enhance the digestion of food. Your body needs adequate digestive enzymes to properly absorb, digest, and utilize nutrients in food. When vegetables like cabbage and cucumbers are left to steep and sit until the sugars are broken down to promote the growth of bacteria, this is when the vegetables are fermented.
Fermented foods are also filled with beneficial bacteria that work as reinforcement for the good bacteria in the digestive system. Since 70 percent to 80 percent of the immune system lies in the gut, having proper balance of gut flora is important.
What else is fermentation good for? It preserves food. How? During fermentation, organisms produce acetic acid, alcohol and lactic acid, which are all “bio-preservatives” that retain nutrients and prevent spoilage. Lactic acid acts as a preservative by reducing pH, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. It also influences physical properties of casein to induce a finer suspension, which appears to help promote digestibility.
What food products are made by fermentation?
What is produced during fermentation?
Fermentation is a metabolic process that consumes sugar in the absence of oxygen. The products are organic acids, gases, or alcohol. It occurs in yeast and bacteria, and also in oxygen-starved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic acid fermentation.
What are the steps of fermentation?
Diagram of lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation has two steps:glycolysis and NADH regeneration. During glycolysis, one glucose molecule is converted to two pyruvate molecules, producing two net ATP and two NADH.
What is fermentation? It’s the process of using microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, to convert carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids under anaerobic conditions.
There are two types of fermentation: alcoholic and lactic acid. Alcoholic fermentation, or ethanol fermentation, is where pyruvate (from glucose metabolism) is broken down into carbon dioxide and ethanol by bacteria and yeast. Alcohol fermentation has been used to produce beer, bread and wine.
Pyruvate molecules from glucose glycolysis may be further fermented into lactic acid. Lactic acid fermentation converts lactose into lactic acid.
There are several benefits to fermenting food. First, fermentation serves to enhance the digestion of food. Your body needs adequate digestive enzymes to properly absorb, digest, and utilize nutrients in food. When vegetables like cabbage and cucumbers are left to steep and sit until the sugars are broken down to promote the growth of bacteria, this is when the vegetables are fermented.
Fermented foods are also filled with beneficial bacteria that work as reinforcement for the good bacteria in the digestive system. Since 70 percent to 80 percent of the immune system lies in the gut, having proper balance of gut flora is important.
What else is fermentation good for? It preserves food. How? During fermentation, organisms produce acetic acid, alcohol and lactic acid, which are all “bio-preservatives” that retain nutrients and prevent spoilage. Lactic acid acts as a preservative by reducing pH, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. It also influences physical properties of casein to induce a finer suspension, which appears to help promote digestibility.
Kefir. Kefir is a fermented milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk) that tastes like a drinkable yogurt.
Kombucha. ...
Sauerkraut. ...
Pickles. ...
Miso. ...
Tempeh. ...
Natto. ...
Kombucha. ...
Sauerkraut. ...
Pickles. ...
Miso. ...
Tempeh. ...
Natto. ...
Fermentation is a metabolic process that consumes sugar in the absence of oxygen. The products are organic acids, gases, or alcohol. It occurs in yeast and bacteria, and also in oxygen-starved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic acid fermentation.
What are the steps of fermentation?
Diagram of lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation has two steps:glycolysis and NADH regeneration. During glycolysis, one glucose molecule is converted to two pyruvate molecules, producing two net ATP and two NADH.
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Food Poison
Food poison :
Food poisoning, also called foodborne illness, is illness caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organisms — including bacteria, viruses and parasites — or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning.
Infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food at any point of processing or production. Contamination can also occur at home if food is incorrectly handled or cooked.
Food poisoning symptoms, which can start within hours of eating contaminated food, often include nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Most often, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment. But some people need to go to the hospital.
Food poisoning symptoms vary with the source of contamination. Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs and symptoms:
Watery or bloody diarrhea
Abdominal pain and cramps
Signs and symptoms may start within hours after eating the contaminated food, or they may begin days or even weeks later. Sickness caused by food poisoning generally lasts from a few hours to several days.
When to see a doctor
If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, seek medical attention.
Frequent episodes of vomiting and inability to keep liquids down
Bloody vomit or stools
Diarrhea for more than three days
Extreme pain or severe abdominal cramping
An oral temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C)
Signs or symptoms of dehydration — excessive thirst, dry mouth, little or no urination, severe weakness, dizziness, or lightheadedness
Contamination of food can happen at any point of production: growing, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping or preparing. Cross-contamination — the transfer of harmful organisms from one surface to another — is often the cause. This is especially troublesome for raw, ready-to-eat foods, such as salads or other produce. Because these foods aren't cooked, harmful organisms aren't destroyed before eating and can cause food poisoning.
Risk factors
Whether you become ill after eating contaminated food depends on the organism, the amount of exposure, your age and your health. High-risk groups include:
Older adults. As you get older, your immune system may not respond as quickly and as effectively to infectious organisms as when you were younger.
Pregnant women. During pregnancy, changes in metabolism and circulation may increase the risk of food poisoning. Your reaction may be more severe during pregnancy. Rarely, your baby may get sick, too.
Infants and young children. Their immune systems haven't fully developed.
People with chronic disease. Having a chronic condition — such as diabetes, liver disease or AIDS — or receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer reduces your immune response.
The most common serious complication of food poisoning is dehydration — a severe loss of water and essential salts and minerals. If you're a healthy adult and drink enough to replace fluids you lose from vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration shouldn't be a problem.
Infants, older adults and people with suppressed immune systems or chronic illnesses may become severely dehydrated when they lose more fluids than they can replace. In that case, they may need to be hospitalized and receive intravenous fluids. In extreme cases, dehydration can be fatal.
Some types of food poisoning have potentially serious complications for certain people. These include:
Listeria monocytogenes. Complications of a listeria food poisoning may be most severe for an unborn baby. Early in pregnancy, a listeria infection may lead to miscarriage. Later in pregnancy, a listeria infection may lead to stillbirth, premature birth or a potentially fatal infection in the baby after birth — even if the mother was only mildly ill. Infants who survive a listeria infection may experience long-term neurological damage and delayed development.
Escherichia coli (E. coli). Certain E. coli strains can cause a serious complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome. This syndrome damages the lining of the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, sometimes leading to kidney failure. Older adults, children younger than 5 and people with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of developing this complication. If you're in one of these risk categories, see your doctor at the first sign of profuse or bloody diarrhea.
To prevent food poisoning at home:
Wash your hands, utensils and food surfaces often. Wash your hands well with warm, soapy water before and after handling or preparing food. Use hot, soapy water to wash utensils, cutting boards and other surfaces you use.
Keep raw foods separate from ready-to-eat foods. When shopping, preparing food or storing food, keep raw meat, poultry, fish and shellfish away from other foods. This prevents cross-contamination.
Cook foods to a safe temperature. The best way to tell if foods are cooked to a safe temperature is to use a food thermometer. You can kill harmful organisms in most foods by cooking them to the right temperature.
Cook ground beef to 160 F (71.1 C); steaks, roasts and chops, such as lamb, pork and veal, to at least 145 F (62.8 C). Cook chicken and turkey to 165 F (73.9 C). Make sure fish and shellfish are cooked thoroughly.
Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods promptly — within two hours of purchasing or preparing them. If the room temperature is above 90 F (32.2 C), refrigerate perishable foods within one hour.
Defrost food safely. Don't thaw food at room temperature. The safest way to thaw food is to defrost it in the refrigerator. If you microwave frozen food using the "defrost" or "50 percent power" setting, be sure to cook it immediately.
Throw it out when in doubt. If you aren't sure if a food has been prepared, served or stored safely, discard it. Food left at room temperature too long may contain bacteria or toxins that can't be destroyed by cooking. Don't taste food that you're unsure about — just throw it out. Even if it looks and smells fine, it may not be safe to eat.
Food poisoning is especially serious and potentially life-threatening for young children, pregnant women and their fetuses, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. These individuals should take extra precautions by avoiding the following foods:
Raw or rare meat and poultry
Raw or undercooked fish or shellfish, including oysters, clams, mussels and scallops
Raw or undercooked eggs or foods that may contain them, such as cookie dough and homemade ice cream
Raw sprouts, such as alfalfa, bean, clover and radish sprouts
Unpasteurized juices and ciders
Unpasteurized milk and milk products
Soft cheeses, such as feta, Brie and Camembert; blue-veined cheese; and unpasteurized cheese
Refrigerated pates and meat spreads
Uncooked hot dogs, luncheon meats and deli meats
Food Contamination
Food contamination refers to foods that are spoiled or tainted because they either contain microorganisms, such as bacteria or parasites, or toxic substances that make them unfit for consumption.
What are the three main types of food contamination?
Here are the three types of contaminants: Biological: Examples include bacteria,viruses, parasites, fungi, and toxins from plants, mushrooms, and seafood. Physical: Examples include foreign objects such as dirt, broken glass, metal staples, and bones. Chemical: Examples include cleaners, sanitizers, etc.
Bacteria and viruses are the most common cause of food poisoning. The symptoms and severity of food poisoning vary, depending on which bacteria or virus has contaminated the food. Parasites are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms known as hosts.
Contamination of Food by Animal Waste. ... Meat and poultry may become contaminated during slaughter by small amounts of intestinal contents. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be contaminated if they are washed with water that is contaminated by animal manure or human sewage.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Food Biotechnology
Scientists and farmers have been trying to increase the quality and quantity of foods for the world’s growing populations. Modern biotechnology offers the powerful methods to achieve these goals. Recent advances in food biotechnology allow the accurate identification of specific gene that produce individual flavour, texture and toxic in natural food material and also the manipulation of these compounds in natural food material. Some example of genetically modified foods with enhanced health value is strawberry that contains increased value of cancer fighting eliagic acid. It also says and teaches the farmers how the food and food stuff should be produced within the short period of time. Nowadays food industries are using the nanotechnology methods in food packing provides good barrier to oxygen, UV rays ,moisture etc.
Track 12-1 Microbiology of Food
Track 12-2 Genetically Modified Foods and its Impacts
Track 12-3 Production of Food Stuffs
Track 12-4 Nanomaterial in Food Packaging
Food Allergy
Food Allergy
More than 50 million Americans have an allergy of some kind. Food allergies are estimated to affect 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Food allergy symptoms are most common in babies and children, but they can appear at any age. You can even develop an allergy to foods you have eaten for years with no problems. Learn more about the types of food allergies.
The body’s immune system keeps you healthy by fighting off infections and other dangers to good health. A food allergy reaction occurs when your immune system overreacts to a food or a substance in a food, identifying it as a danger and triggering a protective response.
While allergies tend to run in families, it is impossible to predict whether a child will inherit a parent’s food allergy or whether siblings will have a similar condition. Some research does suggest that the younger siblings of a child with a peanut allergy will also be allergic to peanuts.
Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to severe. Just because an initial reaction causes few problems doesn’t mean that all reactions will be similar; a food that triggered only mild symptoms on one occasion may cause more severe symptoms at another time.
The most severe allergic reaction is anaphylaxis — a life-threatening whole-body allergic reaction that can impair your breathing, cause a dramatic drop in your blood pressure and affect your heart rate. Anaphylaxis can come on within minutes of exposure to the trigger food. It can be fatal and must be treated promptly with an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline).
While any food can cause an adverse reaction, eight types of food account for about 90 percent of all reactions:
Tree nuts
Certain seeds, including sesame and mustard seeds (the main ingredient in the condiment mustard), also are common food allergy triggers and considered a major allergen in some countries.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction may involve the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory tract.
They can surface in one or more of the following ways:
Vomiting and/or stomach cramps
Shortness of breath
Repetitive cough
Shock or circulatory collapse
Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing
Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe
Weak pulse
Pale or blue coloring of skin
Dizziness or feeling faint
Anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a stomachache accompanied by a rash)
Most food-related symptoms occur within two hours of ingestion; often they start within minutes. In some very rare cases, the reaction may be delayed by four to six hours or even longer. Delayed reactions are most typically seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of food allergy and in people with a rare allergy to red meat caused by the bite of a lone star tick.
Another type of delayed food allergy reaction stems from food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), a severe gastrointestinal reaction that generally occurs two to six hours after consuming milk, soy, certain grains and some other solid foods. It mostly occurs in young infants who are being exposed to these foods for the first time or who are being weaned. FPIES often involves repetitive vomiting and can lead to dehydration. In some instances, babies will develop bloody diarrhea. Because the symptoms resemble those of a viral illness or bacterial infection, diagnosis of FPIES may be delayed. FPIES is a medical emergency that should be treated with IV rehydration.Not everyone who experiences symptoms after eating certain foods has a food allergy or needs to avoid that food entirely; for instance, some people experience an itchy mouth and throat after eating a raw or uncooked fruit or vegetable. This may indicate oral allergy syndrome - a reaction to pollen, not to the food itself. The immune system recognizes the pollen and similar proteins in the food and directs an allergic response to it. The allergen is destroyed by heating the food, which can then be consumed with no problem.

Shortness of breath
Repetitive cough
Shock or circulatory collapse
Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing
Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe
Weak pulse
Pale or blue coloring of skin
Dizziness or feeling faint
Anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a stomachache accompanied by a rash)
Most food-related symptoms occur within two hours of ingestion; often they start within minutes. In some very rare cases, the reaction may be delayed by four to six hours or even longer. Delayed reactions are most typically seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of food allergy and in people with a rare allergy to red meat caused by the bite of a lone star tick.
Another type of delayed food allergy reaction stems from food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), a severe gastrointestinal reaction that generally occurs two to six hours after consuming milk, soy, certain grains and some other solid foods. It mostly occurs in young infants who are being exposed to these foods for the first time or who are being weaned. FPIES often involves repetitive vomiting and can lead to dehydration. In some instances, babies will develop bloody diarrhea. Because the symptoms resemble those of a viral illness or bacterial infection, diagnosis of FPIES may be delayed. FPIES is a medical emergency that should be treated with IV rehydration.Not everyone who experiences symptoms after eating certain foods has a food allergy or needs to avoid that food entirely; for instance, some people experience an itchy mouth and throat after eating a raw or uncooked fruit or vegetable. This may indicate oral allergy syndrome - a reaction to pollen, not to the food itself. The immune system recognizes the pollen and similar proteins in the food and directs an allergic response to it. The allergen is destroyed by heating the food, which can then be consumed with no problem.

Friday, 8 June 2018
What are probiotics:
Probiotics ate the live micro organisms when administered to the body it provides beneficial effects. it is non toxic and non pathogenic. It able to survive the passage in the digestive track. Probiotics can be supplemented with the antibiotics to prevent the antibiotic associated diseases
What are the best probiotics:
Are they cause any side effects :
They tend to cause mild and digestive bloating. More serious effects have been in some people.
To know more:
Probiotics ate the live micro organisms when administered to the body it provides beneficial effects. it is non toxic and non pathogenic. It able to survive the passage in the digestive track. Probiotics can be supplemented with the antibiotics to prevent the antibiotic associated diseases
What are the best probiotics:
- L. casei
- B. Lactics
- B. Breve …..etc
Are they cause any side effects :
They tend to cause mild and digestive bloating. More serious effects have been in some people.
To know more:
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the proper nutrition from your diet you should consume the majority of your daily calories in
A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the proper nutrition from your diet you should consume the majority of your daily calories in
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh Vegetables
- Whole grains
- legumes
To know more:
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Nutritonal Deficiency Diseases
Nutritional deficiency disease:
Nutrition is the science that defined as the Interaction of Nutrients and Other substance of food in order to maintenance, Growth , Reproduction, Heath of the organisms.
Best way to avoid Nutritional deficiency disease:
Nutrition is the science that defined as the Interaction of Nutrients and Other substance of food in order to maintenance, Growth , Reproduction, Heath of the organisms.
Best way to avoid Nutritional deficiency disease:
- Add fiber
- Eat health fats and omega 3 fats
- Eat calcium rich foods etc.....
Disease caused by deficiency:
- Hypertension
- Chronic diseases
- Diabetes mellitus
#Food Chemistry 2018, #September 14-15, 2018 at #Toronto, #Canada
#Grab the #Opportunity to a #Exhibitors at #Food Chemistry 2018
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